Identify The Participle the gerund and the past continuous in the following passages

Identify The Participle, the gerund and the past continuous in the following passages.

1. Travelling has many educational qualities. By visiting places we can't only learn about how people of a particular place look but also how they cat live and dress up usually when we go to a place eating their food is probably the first thing that we do. If we are living in a place for more then a week.We also start noticing how they are similar or different from us. Although going to different countries is expensive. But people who enjoy travelling find ways of visiting countries without spending a lot of money people of western countries are so fond of travelling that they actually save money for a whole year to go abroad during their summer vacations.

2. The eating habits of people vary from country to country. In Britain lunch means eating something light like a sandwich or salad or fish and chips. For them having a heavy mid-day meal is very unusual. They say it makes people feel lazy and sleepy.Dinner is usually their main meal which they cat between six to eight'o clock preparing two or three dishes.Eating food at 10 o' clock is not a common habit among them at all.The Spanish people on the other hand are very different from the British. They cat heavy meals for both lunch and dinner after lunch they like sleeping for a while.They call this afternoon sleep, Siesta. For these Spanish people preparing food for dinner means making a lot of different items. They love eating lots of different types of food. For Then there is no fixed time by which dinner should be finished.Going to sleep after 12 o' clock is a common habit for them.

3. Killing tigers used to be a very prestigious sport in the Indian subcontinent. Maharajah and jamindars used to go tiger hunting,riding elephants surrounded by large groups of servants. After a hut they used to take photographs standing proudly with a leg on the head of the hunted tiger.We can however question  how much courage they really had.Firstly,they were riding on elephants which a tiger cannot easily reach.Secondly their servants would beat drums and make a huge noise to scare the tiger in to coming within gunshot range.The maharaja sinely used to pull the trigger from a safe height.We are now paying the price of such useless blood sport.The tiger population has dangerously
gone down in the Indian subcontinent. If we are not careful, a day may come when the only tigers living in this world would be the ones in the zoos.Careful planning by conservation expats might still save these beautiful animals from being lost for ever.
Killing tigers used to be a very prestigious sport in the Indian subcontinent 

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